The use in French of the two verbs “Amener” and “Emmener” can be a nightmare for French learners. I can reassure you, the difference is very subtle to the point that even French people regularly do the mistake and do not know the difference.
The stem in “Amener” and “Emmener”
When learning vocabulary, it is important to understand the stem but why?
- Firstly you will understand more easily the meaning of the word.
- Also, you will be able to learn all the words containing the same stem and allows you to learn several words without any effort.
In “Amener” et “Emmener” you have the words “mener” which means “to lead” or “to carry out”.
Cette porte mène à la salle de bain. This door leads to the bathroom.
Louis mène un sondage pour son mémoire. Louis carries out a survey for his thesis.
The verb “mener” is slightly different to infinitive when conjugating it. Let’s see together, how to conjugate it.
“Mener”, “amener” and “emmener” are verbs from the first group in French as they finish by “ER”. It is the simplest group of verbs to conjugate because the endings will be the same.
Conjugation of “Mener” in the present simple tense:
Je mène
Tu mènes
Il/Elle mène
Nous menons
Vous menez
Ils/Elles mènent
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How to conjugate first group verbs in French?
When to use “Amener”?
In “amener” which means to take someone to a place and leaving the person there. It applies to living things such as people and animals NOT things. The “a” will emphasize the place the person is brought to, which express the sense of direction you are going “to”.
J’amène mon chat chez le vétérinaire. I take my cat to the vet.
Explanation: I am bringing my cat and leave it there.
“Amener” is also used in the sentence: Qu’est-ce qui t’amène ici? What brings you here.
Conjugaison of “Amener” in the present simple tense:
Tu amènes
Il/Elle amène
Nous amenons
Vous amenez
Ils/Elles amènent
When to use “Emmener”?
With “emmener” which means to take someone along with you. It applies to living things such as people and animals NOT things. The “em” emphasize on the starting point.
Je t’emmène au cinéma ce weekend. I am taking you to the cinema this weekend.
Explanation: I am going along with you to the cinema.
Conjugaison of “Emmener” in the present simple tense:
Tu emmènes
Il/Elle emmène
Nous emmenons
Vous emmenez
Ils/Elles emmènent
In summary: Amener vs Emmener
Emphasize on: destination (“a” means “to”) | Emphasize on: starting point |
Result: leave the person there | Result: go along with the person |
Applies to: Living thing (people and animals) | Applies to: Living thing (people and animals) |
Let’s practice
1.La ligne 1 du métro vous….. sur les champs Elysées. (amène)
Explanation: The line 1 of the tube leave you there.
2.Louis …. son ami au match de foot. (emmène)
Explanation: Louis brings his friend along with him! They are going together.
3.La voisine n’a pas de voiture, Bérénice …. à la station de tram. (amène)
Explanation: Bérénice brings the neighbor and leave her there.