One-to-One Tuition

Berenice at a desk preparing a lesson

Why is 1-to-1 tuition important?

Private tutoring with a native French teacher provides a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience, offering students the opportunity to develop not only their language skills but also their cultural knowledge and understanding.

Firstly, a native French teacher has a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the French language, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. They can offer a more nuanced and accurate interpretation of the language, which can help students to avoid common mistakes and develop a more authentic French accent.

Secondly, a native French teacher can provide valuable cultural insights into the French way of life, which is crucial in developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of the language. They can introduce students to the customs, traditions, and social norms that shape French society, helping them to become more confident and comfortable when communicating with native speakers.

Finally, private tutoring with a native French teacher can be tailored to the individual needs of the student, allowing for a more personalized and effective learning experience. Whether the student is a beginner or an advanced learner, the teacher can create a customized learning plan that suits their specific learning style, interests, and goals.

Learning French is more than just acquiring language skills; it’s about gaining insight into the rich cultural heritage and diverse nuances that make the language so unique. While it’s possible to learn French through various online resources or from a non-native speaker, there are certain advantages to having private tutoring with a native French teacher that simply cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Who is it for the one-to-one tuition?

One-to-one tutoring can be an effective option for anyone looking to improve their French language skills in a personalized and tailored setting.

  • Preparation of GCSE French
  • Students who are struggling to keep up with their French course
  • Students who wishes to start learning French (with no previous class at school)
  • Individuals who have a specific goal or need for learning French, such as preparing for a job interview or a move to a French-speaking country
  • Adults who are looking to learn French for personal enrichment or cultural understanding
  • Students who require more personalized attention (need additional help with French grammar or vocabulary) and feedback from a teacher
  • Individuals who want to improve their French pronunciation and conversation skills
  • Individuals who have had negative experiences with traditional classroom learning and prefer a more flexible and individualized approach

Once the payment has been confirmed, I will contact you by email within 24 hours to organize our sessions!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here: