In France, we love eating fish, especially in the South! I found an excellent and easy French recipe called sole meuniere that I wanted to share with you. Sometimes, people do not know how to cook fish and think it is complicated, so I wanted to prove you the opposite. As an idea for a dessert, you can look at my article “Lemon tart recipe“.
Ingredients for this Sole meuniere French recipe
We are going to learn some vocabulary together about this fish recipe. In order to have a full dish, I will give you my own recipe of rice with vegetables 🙂 The quantities will be for 2 people.
For the fish
You will need the following ingredients (“les ingrédients” in French):
- Two Fillets of Dover sole (“un fillet de sole” in French)
- Plain flour (“de la farine” in French)
- Olive oil (“de l’huile d’olive” in French)
- 50g Butter (“du beurre” in French)
- Juice of one lemon (“du jus de citron” in French)
For the rice
You will need the following ingredients:
- Basmati rice (“du riz” in French)
- Half a pepper (“un poivron” in French)
- Half a courgette (“une courgette” in French)
- Half an aubergine (“une aubergine” in French)
Method to prepare your fish and rice
Start with the rice that you cook in boiled water (“de l’eau bouillante” In French) for approximately 10 minutes (taste it to check if it is cooked).
In another pan (“une poëlle” in French), you will add the olive oil and your onions you previously chopped (“coupé” in French). Leave it for about three minutes and then add the courgettes, aubergine and red pepper. Leave it until it is cooked (“cuit” in French)!
You will put flour in a large bowl (“un bol” in French) with salt (“du sel” in French) and black pepper (“du poivre” in French), dredge (“saupoudrer” in French) the fish in the flour and remove the excess.
In a large pan, once the oil is hot, add the fillets to cook for two minutes and then one to two minutes on the other side.
Remove (“enlever” in French) the fish from the pan, turn the heat down. Wipe the pan to remove the oil and add the butter. When it starts to be slightly brown, add the lemon juice. Stir it and you can serve straight away! 🙂
Miam, Miam! As we say in French (it is “yummy” in English).
I tested the Sole meuniere French recipe for you…
I wanted to share with you my result.
In my opinion, it is the easiest fish recipe you could do, so try it! Fish is an excellent source of protein. You could implement a fish dish every week! Fish might sound a bit boring but believe me, when it is cooked well, you will love it 🙂
This recipe allowed us to learn so much vocabulary! You are ready to write your own in French 😉 that could be your challenge of the week.
Have a look at the online shop where I get my fish to give you some ideas 😉
And you, what is your favourite fish, tell me in the comments? Feel free to share this article!
A bientôt!