Who does not love a good pizza? Every nationality enjoys eating pizzas, that is why I have chosen this homemade pizza recipe to share with you because as a French person, I love pizzas! With Italy we have a lot in common. We are passionate about fashion (Italian fashion is very well-known), the romance of the language (bellissima!) and we love a nice pizza! If you want to have an idea for a dessert, you can look at my article “Lemon tart recipe“.
Ingredients for your homemade pizza recipe
Jambon Champignons Mozzarella et tomates
For the pizza dough
You will need the following ingredients:
- 300g flour (“la farine” in French)
- 10g yeast (“la levure de boulanger” in French)
- Salt (“du sel” in French)
- Olive oil (“de l’huile d’olive” in French)
- 15cl warm water (“eau tiède” in French)
For the tomato sauce
You will need:
- 500g tomatoes (“des tomates” in French)
- 1 onion (“un oignon” in French)
- Some garlic (“de l’ail” in French)
For the topping
You can add anything you want! I have chosen the following:
- Mushrooms (“des champignons” in French)
- Ham (“du jambon” in French)
- Mozzarella (“de la mozzarella” in French)
Method to prepare your homemade pizza recipe
Firstly, we will start with the pizza dough (“pâte à pizza” in French). You will need to mix the ingredients together in a bowl, beginning with the flour and salt. You will then create a hole in the middle (to have some space in the middle) where you will add your yeast and a bit of warm water. After waiting 2 minutes for the yeast to activate you can mix everything in the bowl and add the rest of the water. After that, you can knead (“pétrir” in French) your dough for 5 minutes that you will leave proving for 45 minutes.
Now, we are going to prepare the sauce while the dough is proving. In a pan (“une poêle” in French), add your onions chopped (“coupé” in French) and some olive oil. Once it starts to be slightly brown, add the tomatoes and garlic chopped with some salt and pepper, leave the water to reduce (“réduire” in French) and turn regularly. Once the sauce start to be ticker, you can turn it off and blend it (“mixer” in French).
Finally, we can prepare our pizza! Spread (“Etalez” in French) the dough on a surface slightly dusted with flour and then put it on a baking tray (add some oil so the dough does not stick to it) or even better a pizza stone! You will first add your tomato sauce and then the mushrooms, ham and mozzarella! Mmmhhh… Mamma Mia! Put in the oven (“le four” in French) at 180C for about 25-30 minutes and when cooked you can enjoy the delicious pizza 😉
You can take a look at this famous French cooking website with a recipe of the pizza I detailled in this article.
Tell me in the comments (in French) your favourite toppings on a pizza? Feel free to share this article!
A bientôt!