Lemon tart, is a dessert you can find in restaurants, bakeries and even supermarkets! We all love a good tangy lemon tart. Although industrial desserts have improved in quality, you cannot denied that it is always better when it is homemade! This lemon tart recipe is very simple. I have adapted the original recipe and I wanted to share it with you.
To bake your lemon tart, you can buy a shortcrust pastry already made or if you feel adventurous you can make it yourself. You will need:
- 250g plain four (“de la farine” in French”)
- 70g caster sugar
- 125 g unsalted butter (“du beurre” in French)
- 2 egg yolks (“un jaune d’oeuf” in French)
For the filling of the tart you will need:
- 4 eggs
- 100g caster sugar
- 100ml double cream
- 4 large lemons (about 200ml) and lemon zest
Un oeuf De la crème Du sucre Un citron
Method to prepare your lemon tart
Prepare the pastry
If you have decided to buy the pastry already made then you can skip this part and go directly to “Prepare the filing”.
In a bowl (“un bol” in French), mix (“mélangez” in French) the flour and the caster sugar. Cut (“coupez” in French) in cubs the butter to make it as soft as possible (you can leave it outside the fridge for a few hours before making the pastry). Add (“ajoutez” in French) the butter into the flour and sugar mix until crumbly. After that, add the egg yolks. You will make a ball (“une boule” in French) and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
On a slightly floured surface, spread the pastry (“étalez” in French) with a rolling pin (“rouleau à pâtisserie” in French), then put it in a tart tin (“moule à tarte” in French).
Prepare the filing
In a bowl, add all the ingredients (“les ingrédients” in French) except the lemon zest and beat (“battez” in French) them together. Then, add only half of the lemon zest (“zeste de citron” in French).
Bake (“cuire” in French) the pastry alone for 10 minutes at 160 C with foil on the pastry and dried beans. Then, take it out of the oven (“un four” in French), remove the foil and dried beans and add the filling and back in the oven for 30-35 minutes.
You will leave it to cool down outside then in the fridge and you can add on the top the remaining of the lemon zest.
My homemade lemon tart
Since I love lemon tart, I wanted to make one and find an easy recipe. I know my taste so I have put less sugar and less cream in the filing and because I love when it is lemony, I have doubled the amount of lemons. I wanted to share the recipe so you can make it at home!
You can find the original lemon tart recipe by clicking here.

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A bientôt!