How to talk about what you like doing in French

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French grammar is usually pretty complex but when you talk about what you like doing in French, it is quite easy. Let’s see together the grammar rule!

The rule to talk about what you like doing in French

In French, to say “I like biking” you will conjugate the verb “aimer” (to like) plus the verb at the infinitive.

Let’s see with an example:
J’aime faire du vélo: Conjugate the verb “aimer” + infinitive

It works with any verbs:
J’adore faire du vélo
Je déteste regarder la télé
J’aime jouer au football

To know more about when to use “jouer” and “faire” take a look at the article “Difference between “jouer” and “faire” in French“.

The most difficult aspect in this grammar rule, is to know how to conjugate verbs finishing by “ER” in French. Let’s see that together, you will see it is a piece of cake!

How to conjugate verbs finishing by “ER” in French?

All the verbs finishing by “er” in French except the verb “aller” will have the same ending when conjugating them. You remove “er” at the end of the infinitive verb and you add the below endings in blue.

Let’s see that with the present simple tense.

Tu aimes
Il/elle/on aime
Nous aimons
Vous aimez
Ils/elles aiment

Let’s practice!

  1. Choose your pen colour on the top right corner.
  2. Then, link the sentences by drawing with the pen.
  3. You have 30 seconds, then to solution will appear.

Enjoy the game! And remember, it is by practicing regularly that you will learn better. After the game, write your own sentences, what do you like doing and what you do not like doing? Then, repeat them to practice your pronunciation and write the new vocabulary in your notebook 😉

Let me know in the comments, what do you like doing during the weekend? Feel free to share this article!

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