To memorize French vocabulary, like any foreign language, can be really challenging for everyone. As I mentioned previously, learning French takes time and dedication, but there are techniques to learn efficiently. I want to share with you in this article some tips on the different ways to learn and remember vocabulary. If you want to learn more about efficiency and organisation in your daily French learning, take a look at my article “Zen to Done method: be organised to gain time to learn French – in 10 steps”
Different ways to memorize French vocabulary
Find the root of a word
When learning a word, use the words that have the same root. This will allow you to learn at once several words which have the same meaning (pretty much) and know which word to use depending on the context. Let’s see with an example using the verb “enseigner (“to teach” in English). You can have the noun “enseignant” who is the person teaching, you have “l’enseigner” is the action to teach.
Create sentences with the new words learnt
By creating sentences with new words, not only will you remember it better but also you will know how to use it. It is good to have a wide range of vocabulary but it is better to know how to use them. If we take our previous example with the verb “enseigner”, we can use it as follows: “Berenice va enseigner le Français aux étrangers”, which is “Berenice is going to teach French to foreign people”.
What about “enseignant”, the noun? We could have: “Les enseignants m’aident à devenir meilleur en Français”, which is “Teachers help me to become better in French”.
Finally, with “l’enseigner”: “Cette méthode, je vais te l’enseigner demain”, which is, “This method, I am going to teach it to you tomorrow”.
Can you see how this method can propel you to the next level in your French learning journey?
Write the words down
When learning new words, it is crucial you write them down! Either on a computer or on paper, it makes a difference even if you see it on the internet or in a book. The fact you write a word by yourself (do not copy and paste to make a list of vocabulary), it will encourage you to focus for a few seconds on that specific word and have it printed in your brain.
Listen and repeat to memorize better French vocabulary
Listening and repeating words out loud to learn in addition to writing sentences is vital in a language learning process!
Imagine, you can recognize a word you see in a book and that same word you hear in a movie but never learnt that word by listening, would you understand that word? I do not think so and this is normal! You will spend time searching and realizing you have learnt how to write it down.
It is the same with the pronunciation that you can only practice by saying it out loud. That would be a shame if you meet a French friend and not able to say a word you actually previously learnt in writing and listening, c’est dommage (“what a shame” in English)!
It is important to use all your senses when learning a language in order to be more efficient, learn faster and better!
Use French learning books
If you feel the need to be guided, then you can buy French learning books as they are conceived for French learners and will help you to structure sentences. For vocabulary books, most of the time, you have illustrations which make it more attractive and a fun way to learn. I think that in your learning progress you need to combine different materials. Firstly, to know what is more appropriate in your learning because we are all different and one method could work for someone but not for another person. Secondly, despite of our differences, we all have the same brain and by using multiple methods and materials it will definitely increase your chance to learn faster and better!
You can read my article “The benefits and comparison of French learning Apps” to combine language learning Apps to textbooks.
Practice regularly to memorize French vocabulary
If I can give you an advice for your learning journey 😉 it is to practice regularly! This is the key of learning. We are humans and we forget especially when we are in contact with something new, so in order to get familiar with the language, it is to practice everyday. Pick a word to learn everyday and words with the same root.
What to remember?
In order to concise the information I have just provided to you, here is a summary:
- Make sentences with a new word everyday and the words containing the same root.
- Review the words you previously learnt. You could at the end of the week create a game and from a list or cards you created, take 5 words and make new sentences.
- Write down the words alone a few times.
- Repeat the words out loud.
- You can use google translation to check the pronunciation.
Tell me in the comments how do you learn better French vocabulary: by listening, speaking, writing or reading or a combination? Feel free to share this article!