Negative sentences in French can seem difficult to build. However, in this article, I will show you the method to build negative sentences so you will not make the error again.
Negative form in affirmative sentences in French
In French, to build a negative sentence, we will use “ne pas” around the verb.
“Je parle Français” (I speak French), here the verb is “parle“, so what you need to do is just add “ne pas” and it becomes “Je ne parle pas Français” (I do not speak French).
Sometimes, you will find the contraction “n’” instead of “ne” because the verb starts by a vowel. Let’s take the example “Je n’aime pas les bonbons”. If you write “Je ne aime pas les bonbons”, for a French person, it does not sound right to have two vowels next to each other. Therefore, we will use this contraction to make the link.
Negative form in sentences with several verbs in French
Sometimes, you might encounter sentences with several verbs like with the passé composé tense. In that case, “ne pas” will be around the first verb which is the active verb.
“J’ai acheté des pommes” (I bought apples), here “j’ai acheté” is the passé composé of “acheter” (“To buy” in English). In that case, if we follow the above rule, “ne pas” will be around “ai” which give “Je n’ai pas acheté de pomme” (I did not buy apples).
Negative form with infinitive verbs
When in a sentence you have a verb in the infinitive, “ne pas” won’t be around that verb but will simply be in front of the infinitive verb.
“Je pense ne pas pouvoir le faire” (I think I won’t be able to do it).
Articles in negative sentences
You must wonder, but what is happening with the articles in a negative sentence. Well, let’s discuss that now together 😉
Definite articles
There is no change with definite articles such as: la, le, l’, les and the following contractions au, aux, du. You can take a look at my article where I explain in one of the sections about contractions.
“Je joue au football” becomes “Je ne joue pas au football” (I do not play football)
“J’aime les endives” becomes “Je n’aime pas les endives” (I do not like endives)
Indefinite article
There will be a change with indefinite articles such as: un, une, des and partitive articles du, de la, de l’, des. They will all become “de” or “d'”, except with the verb “être”.
“J’ai une robe rose” becomes “Je n’ai pas de robe rose” (I do not have any pink dress)
“Je fais du sorbet” becomes “Je ne fais pas de sorbet” (I do not make sorbet)
“Je suis un orphelin” becomes “Je ne suis pas un orphelin” (I am not an orphan)
Negative form in imperative sentences
In regards to imperative sentences, the negative form will be built the same way as affirmative sentences. The only difference is that with imperative sentences, you won’t have the pronoun.
“Range ta chambre” becomes “Ne range pas ta chambre” (Do not tidy up your bedroom).
Tell me in the comments (in French) what you do not like, for instance myself, “Je n’aime pas les épinards” (I do not like spinach)? Feel free to share this article!
A bientôt!