Listen to podcasts: at a bank

piggy bank and coins around it

In France, we were using “franc” until 2002 when it was replaced by euros. It might be easier then if you come from Europe to use this money. However, if you need to talk to an agent in a bank you might need to know what to ask and how as there are specific vocabulary. Also, you do not want to be ripped off so let’s work together on this very important subject with a podcast taking place at a bank! In order to learn more about how to remember easily and efficiently, take a look at my article “How to easily memorize French vocabulary“.

A la banque

A : Bonjour Monsieur !
Hello Sir!

B : Bonjour Madame !
Hello Madam!

A : Que puis-je faire pour vous ?
How can I help you?

B : Je souhaiterais déposer 150 euros sur mon compte, s’il vous plaît.
I would like to deposit 150 euros on my account, please.

A : Bien sûr. Puis-je avoir votre carte bancaire ?
Sure. Can I have your credit card?

B : Voici.
Here it is.

A : Merci. Pourriez-vous signer ce reçu, s’il vous plaît ?
Thank you. Could you please sign this receipt, please?

B : Oui

A : Merci Monsieur. Voici votre carte. Bonne journée à vous !
Thank you Sir. Here is your card. Have a good day!

B : Merci, au revoir !
Thank you, bye!

Questions for podcast: At a bank

  1. Combien le client souhaite déposer sur son compte ?
    How much money the client would like to deposit on his account?
  2. De quoi a besoin l’employée pour déposer l’argent sur le compte ?
    What do the employee need to deposit the money on the account?

Responses for podcast: At a bank

  1. 150 euros – 150 euros
  2. De la carte bancaire – The credit card

Further vocabulary

An ATM = un distributeur automatique
Cash = du liquide
The counter = le guichet
Open a bank account = Ouvrir un compte en banque
Online banking = la banque en ligne
The interest’s rate = le taux d’intérêt
A statement = un relevé de compte
Fees = les frais
To withdraw some money = retirer de l’argent
An overdraft = un découvert
The code pin = le code personnel
A loan = un prêt
A mortgage = un emprunt pour un logement
To make a transfer = faire un virement
To save money = faire des économies
A currency exchange = un bureau de change
A bank note = un billet
A coin = une pièce
Investment = le placement

This podcast is not only beneficial for asking something to an agent at a bank but allows you to learn much more. You can review numbers, which is crucial as you can find them in so many different scenarios. You can take a look at my article “How to count in French?“. Also, you will be able to learn how to use formal sentences, I recommend you to check my article ““TU” (tutoiement) or “VOUS” (vouvoiement) in French? What to choose and when” to know the difference between “tu” and “vous”. Finally, you can learn more about gender and when a noun is feminine and masculine. As you can see for the vocabulary I always add the article so for more information take a look at the article “Gender of French nouns: how to overcome this difficulty?“.

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