Listen to podcasts: at a cinema

ticket admission for the cinema

You have taken your lover for dinner and wish to continue the evening but it is raining in Paris… Why not going to the cinema to watch a good romantic movie? Or any movie you know your partner will enjoy 😉 I doubt the person selling tickets will speak English so let’s show your partner your secret talent! I have prepared for you a podcast when buying tickets at a cinema so you are ready for your next trip to France. In order to learn more about how to remember easily and efficiently, take a look at my article “How to easily memorize French vocabulary“.

Au cinéma

A : Bonjour Monsieur !
Hello Sir!

B : Bonjour, nous voudrions 3 places pour Le Grand bleu pour aujourd’hui.
Hello, we would like 3 tickets for Le Grand bleu for today.

A : Très bien, la séance de quelle heure, s’il vous plaît ?
Great, at what time?

B : Quels horaires avez-vous de disponibles ?
What are the times available?

A : Nous avons 10h50, 13h25 et 17h45.
We have 10:50, 13:25, 17:45.

B : Donc celle de 13h25.
So the one at 13:25.

A : Pour 3 adultes ?
For 3 adults?

B : Non, 2 adultes et un enfant de 10 ans.
No, 2 adults and one child of 10 years old.

A : Parfait, 2 places adultes à 12 euros chacune et une place enfant à 6 euros, cela vous fera un total de 30 euros.
Perfect, 2 tickets adults at 12 euros each and one child ticket at 6 euros, the total is 30 euros.

B : Est-ce que vous prenez la carte bancaire ?
Do you accept credit card?

A : Oui, tout à fait. Voici, insérez votre code. Merci.
Yes, sure. Here it is, you code. Thank you.

B : Merci, au revoir.
Thank you, bye.

A : Très bonne journée à vous, au revoir !
Have a good day, bye!

Questions for podcast: At a cinema

  1. Quel film souhaite-t-il regarder ?
    Which movie would he like to watch?
  2. Quel horaire a-t-il choisi ?
    Which time did he choose?
  3. Quel est le prix d’une place pour un enfant ?
    What is the price for one child ticket?

Responses for podcast: At a cinema

  1. Le Grand bleu – Le Grand bleu
  2. 13h25 – 13:25
  3. 6 euros – 6 euros

Further vocabulary

Movie/movies in French?

In French, we will say “un film” for “a movie”. However, the plural “movies” can be either “des films” which refers to several movies or “le cinema” when going to the movies: “aller au cinéma”.
Example: Je vais au cinéma une fois par semaine, j’adore les films! I go to the cinema once a week, I love movies!

Voir or Regarder un film?

In French, to say “to watch a movie” we will use the verb “regarder” and not the verb “voir” which is “to see” in English. “Voir” is more a reflex while “regarder” is more that you want to look carefully at something.

If you want to have a look at the website of a cinema in Paris, click here, you might find more vocabulary.

Tell me in the comments if you have ever been at a cinema in France or another French speaking country? Feel free to share this article!

A bientôt!

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